The Kirk
Eye for Detail
The Trust
The Financial Burden
To those who have been connected to Kippen church over the
years the building and its contents are obvious sources of great
pleasure and pride. But it is no light matter that a small village
community in central Scotland should have inherited for its use,
a sanctuary of such importance and artistic joy. The
responsibility that goes with such an inheritance is not
insignificant. On several occasions in the recent past the Kirk
Session has reflected almost with despair that perhaps some of
the burden could be shed by passing on some of Kippen’s
treasures to the care of one or another of Scotland’s great
national museums or galleries.
So far, such a temptation has been resisted and up to now a way
has always been found of retaining the various pieces in a
manner that is in keeping with the wishes of Cameron and his
contemporaries. However, the truth is that in the longer term it
will only be possible to continue to fulfil that trust if the people
of Kippen and the wider community (of all faiths and of none)
are prepared to will the means to ensure that the legacy is
maintained and improved and passed on to the next generation.
This is the aim of The Friends of Kippen Kirk Trust.
To become a member of The Friends of Kippen Kirk Trust, please send
your address and contact details to:
The Treasurer
Friends of Kippen Trust
c/o Kippen Parish Church
Fore Road, Kippen
Stirlingshire FK8 3DT
Minimum subscriptions are:
- ordinary membership: £20 per annum per person
- family membership: £40 per annum per family
- life membership: £150 per person or £250 per family
- unwaged or retired membership: £15 per annum per person
All cheques should be made payable to Friends of Kippen Kirk Trust.