The Kirk
Eye for Detail
The Trust
An Eye for Detail
It would be very easy to go on cataloguing the many treasures
contained within the building. However, in the context of this
website there is little point in so doing. Through the lens of
her camera Sue Breakenridge has demonstrated more effectively
than words can say that the visitor to the building is well
advised to bring with them a sharp eye for detail. As her
photographs show, there is delight to be found in the tiniest
fragments of glass or most obscure corner. It is that wealth of
interest in the little things that makes the umpteenth visit to
the church yet another journey of discovery and surprise.
Detail of an early 16th Century altar frontal from
Assisi, depicting the story of David.
The 'Keystone' of the archway above the
entrance to the Prayer Chapel, by Robert Jackson of
Dundaff, a young Kippen soldier killed during the
Second World War.